VSC is fantastic… except when it’s not.

New Projects Get Stuck

I found that rust-analyzer often gets stuck for new projects while collecting metadata. The following command helps fix this issue:

cargo check --workspace --message-format=json --manifest-path Cargo.toml --all-targets

Workspaces in VSC are Broken

If you use VSC to write Rust (which I suggest you do), you may have issues using with VSC if you utilize workspaces. Workspaces are a great way to manage multiple Rust projects in a single repo. Unfortnately, VSC has trouble recognizing them. Luckily, we can fix it pretty easily.

You will need a workspace-level .vscode folder. In it, create a settings.json file, which will be specifically for your project. Inside, it will look something like this:

    "rust-analyzer.linkedProjects": [

And voilà… VSC should recognize the workspace projects now!